Sashimi and Nigiri class
Sashimi and Nigiri class
>> Private class <<
Master chef will teach you the proper Sushi bar oparation.
This is a special opportunity to learn how to prepare and making sushi by exclusive sushi chef. The participant will learn,
-Learn cutting salmon fillet for sushi.
-Filleting a small fish in 3-part at own work space.
-Preparing sushi rice.
-How to make Nigiri sushi.
-Learning Sushi bar operation.
This is an intensive and advance class where the participants will enjoy Q&A time and close the class enjoying a drink and their own freshly made Nigiri and Sashimi.
Please bring your own knife and apron / chef jacket.
Instructor's profile
Tomokazu Matsuya
Born in Hokkaido, Japan. Matsuya is one of London's top Japanese sushi chefs, he has been in UK over 15 years. He completed his culinary education at 17 years old.
After obtaining his international cook's license he joined the self-defense forces of Japan and for 15 years cooked for many VIPs from all over the world as the forces' chef. After starting his own venture, he took a position at SO Restaurant in Soho and also at Miyama Mayfair London as Head Sushi Chef. Now he is starting his own Japanese restaurant in central Acton London.
北海道⽣まれ。17歳にして⾷の道を志してから、国際船舶料理⼠の免許を習得し⾃衛隊に所属。その後15年に渡り、世界各国の著名⼈らへも料理を提供してきた。渡英してからは、⾷の中⼼地とも呼ばれるソーホーのSo Restaurant, またロンドンでも⼀等地のメイフェアのMiyamaにて、いずれも料理⻑を務める。ラグジュアリーロンドンでも掲載されたIkisho ブランドを通じ、プライベートシェフをしての腕もふるっている。新しくセントラルアクトンにて、カジュアルな⽇本⾷を提供するEzo Japanをオープンし、起業家としても才能を発揮している。
Limited space available.

Sozai Expert
We are happy to create memorable dinner for all of our customers.
Thank you so much for everything. With Sozai catering team, a perfect organisation is guaranteed!
Welcome and class, what I say of it, brilliant
Follow up notes fabulous
Thank you and well done. I will recommend you and definitely think about buying classes for presents, including for myself!
Thank you, Master Suda and Sozai for a fascinating Japanese Cookery Lesson today.
The knife skills of Master Suda are amazing, as are his knives. His preparation of the sea eel was a work of art. It was wonderful just to see him at work, though I don't think I'll be trying this at home.
I found the tempura section very instructive. I have never seen, nor read, about making tempura this way before – sprinkling batter into the hot oil before frying the floured and battered vegetables. I think I will try at home now. The results look wonderful.
I really enjoy these sessions as they give an insight into "true" Japanese cookery and to the different styles and skills.