Japanese Cooking and Sushi Making Classes in London | Sozai


20 Jul 2021 (Tue)
10:00 60 minutes
£20 per person

Fancy some Japanese dessert?

Mitarashi dango is a traditional wagashi, a Japanese sweet. There are many types of dango, and they all consist of round rice dumplings, but the ingredients vary, as do the colour and flavors. The name kushi dango refers to the fact that they're skewered—3 to 5 per skewer is the norm. They are then glazed with a sweet soy glaze called mitarashi.

Most commonly found in the spring and summer, dangos are in fact eaten year-round in Japan and can be bought in stores all over the country. Most home cooks have a favorite recipe and way of finishing off this delectable but not overly sweet treat. Dangos are different from mochi as they're made from flour and not from steamed grains like mochi. They're both confections made from rice, though, and thus naturally gluten-free, and usually vegan too. To make this recipe gluten-free, simply swap the soy sauce in the glaze for tamari.


Yutaka Silken Tofu
Glutinous rice flour
Yutaka Soy sauce
Glucose Syrup or Honey
Yutaka Sushi Nori
Ice cubes (for hot days)

Mixing bowls
Medium sauce pan
Milk pan
Small whisk
Grilling plate (or griddle/ non stick frying pan)
Pastry brush
Skewers or Cocktail sticks (long size)
Non stick silicon mat (if not cling film or baking paper is fine)
Plates for serving


Instructor : Suzue Aoyama

Sponsored by : Yutaka London

Please read,
T & C

We’d love to welcome you and one other house hold member for this class. Please create another account if you’re more than 3 people. The children under 16 years are free to join.

You'll receive an automate booking confirmation email. And a zoom link will be announced 24 hours before the class. If you haven't received it, please let us know via info@sozai.co.uk. ( Don't forget to check your junk holder as well..)

Please get things organised for the online class!

Please note, our live streaming classes won't be recorded to send out.

Any questions : info@sozai.co.uk

Special Kids friendly Online Dessert Foundation


Sozai Expert

(64 reviews)

We are happy to create memorable dinner for all of our customers.

by Kate
Event at JHL
08 Mar 2022
Excellent event

Thank you so much for everything. With Sozai catering team, a perfect organisation is guaranteed!

by Helen
Online Katsu Curry Cook along with YUTAKA
13 Oct 2021
Katsu Curry Class with Izi

Welcome and class, what I say of it, brilliant
Follow up notes fabulous

Thank you and well done. I will recommend you and definitely think about buying classes for presents, including for myself!

by Ken
Master SUDA Live streaming from Japan, the seasonal fresh fish tempura Donburi
08 Aug 2021
Amazing knife skills and an exciting way with tempura

Thank you, Master Suda and Sozai for a fascinating Japanese Cookery Lesson today.

The knife skills of Master Suda are amazing, as are his knives. His preparation of the sea eel was a work of art. It was wonderful just to see him at work, though I don't think I'll be trying this at home.

I found the tempura section very instructive. I have never seen, nor read, about making tempura this way before – sprinkling batter into the hot oil before frying the floured and battered vegetables. I think I will try at home now. The results look wonderful.

I really enjoy these sessions as they give an insight into "true" Japanese cookery and to the different styles and skills.